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Automate all analyses

Alteryx facilitates the process of collecting and enriching data from various sources in an intuitive workflow. And all without programming knowledge! Whether it's data from business applications, data warehouses, Excel, social media apps or large Big Data platforms like Hadoop, Alteryx makes it possible to effortlessly bring everything together for further analysis.

The solution for data preparation

This means that data and business analysts can design their ideal dataset independently, without depending on third parties. With Alteryx, this process, also called Data Preparation, can be automated, saving time and costs. See below what benefits Alteryx has to offer or watch the demo to the right.


Take advantage of a visual workflow with drag-and-drop functionality, without any scripting required. Import, clean up, combine and enrich data effortlessly. Maintain an overview of the entire data process and view interim results easily.

Spatial analytics

Add value to data with spatial analytics for spatial analysis. Visualise your data on Google Maps and calculate distances between different locations, for example.

Predictive analytics

Enhance your data with predictive analytics thanks to off-the-shelf algorithms based on "R" for predictive analytics.

Integrate with other BI tools

Automate exporting prepared datasets to any format or database within your workflow. Seamless integration with other BI tools (Qlik, Power BI, etc.) enables direct creation of advanced visualisations.

Importing data sources

All data sources, such as Excel, databases, data warehouses, social media apps, cloud data and even Big Data platforms like Hadoop, can be read in quickly and easily.

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Victa is an experienced and certified business intelligence professional. With us, you as a client will be pre-eminently understood and helped by our experts who stand out in terms of result orientation, pro-activity and fun. Contact us today and start your data adventure.

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What makes Alteryx different?

They are solutions that enable analysts to blend data, build analytics and share insights!

Repeatable workflow:

Automate time-consuming data tasks and easily customise analytical queries.

Volume + variety of data:

Process data from spreadsheets, data warehouses, cloud applications and more.

Advanced Analytics:

Perform predictive, static and spatial analytics in the same workflow.

Free code and code-friendly:

Drag-and-drop tools in an intuitive user interface to prepare, merge and analyse data.

Hours, not weeks:

Get the answers you need yourself. Save money by saving in time.

Analytics at scale:

Customise, schedule and publish analytics for easy consumption.

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