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BI Scan

In today's data-driven world, it is crucial for organizations to have a solid Business Intelligence (BI) structure.

The Victa BI scan

A well-designed BI environment enables organizations to make strategic decisions based on accurate and timely information. Victa's BI Scan, supported by the Victa Business Intelligence Maturity Model, is a specialized service that guides organizations towards an optimized BI environment.

Purpose of the BI Scan

The purpose of the BI Scan is to provide organizations with a thorough understanding of their current level of BI maturity and to identify specific areas for improvement. The process involves a series of surveys, interviews and assessments to evaluate the current state of the BI and data landscape, so that organizations gain a clear understanding of their current position and the steps needed to optimize their BI capabilities.

BI Scan

Why is the BI Scan essential?

  • Strategic Insight: It provides deep insight into an organization's current BI capabilities, enabling strategic improvements.
  • Improved decision-making: By identifying and optimizing BI processes, organizations can make more accurate and data-driven decisions.
  • Competitive Advantage: Organizations that optimize their BI capabilities gain competitive advantage through improved efficiency and a better understanding of market dynamics.
  • Measurable results: The scan provides concrete and measurable objectives, allowing organizations to monitor and adjust their progress.

Benefits of Victa's BI-Scan

  • Structured framework: The BI Maturity Model provides a clear and structured framework for evaluating and optimizing BI capabilities.
  • Objective assessment: The BI Scan presents specific questions and indicators, allowing organizations to objectively determine their position within the BI Maturity Model.
  • Culture of Data-driven decision-making: Victa's BI Scan helps create a culture where data-driven decision-making is central, with the integration of advanced BI tools and techniques.
  • Personalized advice: Organizations receive personalized advice and strategies to strengthen their BI capabilities, leading to deep insight and competitive advantage.

Crucial step

Victa's BI Scan is a crucial step for organizations striving for data-driven success. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing best-in-class BI practices, organizations can leverage the power of their data and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

The Process – The BI Scan

As a start of a business intelligence trajectory, Victa uses a proven approach that consists of performing a BI scan. The Victa BI Scan has been specially developed for organizations that want to gain insight into the status and maturity of their BI discipline. The BI scan is based on more than fifteen years of experience of the consultants who work at Victa in combination with numerous clients.

BI Scan
Quick Scan

Take the Quick Scan

Are you curious about the status and maturity of your organization? Then do the quick scan now! Based on 10 questions you will know exactly the status of your organization.

How often are dashboards and reports used in decision making? 
Are there people responsible for data and BI management within the organization? 
Does your organization have a central data storage location that everyone with the appropriate rights can access? 
To what extent does BI support or is it part of your strategy? 
To what extent are non-technical roles and responsibilities defined around BI and data management? 
How strict are data governance rules, such as how data is accessed, stored, used, etc.? 
How well does your IT infrastructure support the integration of different data sources? 
How reliable is the data in your BI system? 
How actively does your organization monitor the quality and use of data? 
How strictly is access to confidential data regulated in your organization? 
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