TimeXtender Book demo
On-demand & free
Do you need an optimized and efficient approach to all your data? Are you looking for a progressive solution that streamlines the management of your data? Then get to know TimeXtender, the leading software for data management.
Victa's on-demand demos give you the chance to experience for yourself how TimeXtender your organization to the next level. We show you how to easily and quickly collect, process, and analyze data with this software. Whether you work with internal company data or external sources, TimeXtender ensures seamless integration and optimal control over all your information.
In this first video Sascha Olde Klieverik, TimeXtender specialist at Victa, get to know you TimeXtenderUsing an animated architectural diagram, he will show you how the tool works and what its possibilities are.
TimeXtender demo
Watch all eight videos of the here, on-demand TimeXtender demo series. We show how easy it is to connect different data sources and merge them into one clear whole. In addition, we show the power of the intelligent data modeling tools, which ensure that you can generate relevant information quickly and accurately.
View the demo