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Power BI Beginner's course

Are you ready to become an expert in analysing and visualising data? With our Power BI beginners course, you'll gain all the tools and knowledge you need to extract valuable insights from data. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or data analyst, Power BI is the ultimate software for data visualisation and will help you make better decisions.

Get more out of Power BI

With our revamped course, Power BI for Beginners. Learn how easy it is to create your first dashboard and connect to hundreds of data sources, combine them, and visualise the data. New in our training is the extra focus on design and storytelling. Additionally, we delve deeper into creating your own workspace and sharing it with colleagues. We also cover data preparation (transforming), exploration, modeling, visualisation, publishing, and collaboration.

One of our experienced consultants will be available throughout the training to answer your questions. By the end of the training, you'll have a good understanding of the capabilities of Power BI and be able to work independently with your own data.

After this training, you will have the following knowledge:

  • Understanding of what Power BI is and what you can do with it
  • Accessing multiple data sources
  • Developing a simple data model
  • Creating initial reports
  • Collaborating with colleagues
  • Managing users and access
  • Building dashboards
  • Using Power BI for mobile

Important information:

  • The training is conducted in Dutch.
  • To get started quickly, it's helpful to bring a laptop with Power BI Desktop pre-installed. Download Power BI Desktop here.

📅 1 day
⌚️ 09:00 am – 03:00 pm
📍 Rientjesoven 32, 7622 GM Borne
💶 € 495 per person (including lunch)

Power BI for beginners is rated on average a 8.8 by participants.
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