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Advanced Power BI Training

Unlock the full potential of Power BI with our enhanced Power BI course. Power BI is an interactive tool for visualising data. The goal is to make business intelligence accessible to end-users. With Power BI, you can connect to hundreds of data sources, integrate them, and then use this data to create visualisations.

Excel with Power BI

With this hands-on course, you'll learn how to apply various Power BI features. You'll learn how to load data from different data sources and create a data model. Then, you'll dive into using DAX formulas (Power BI programming language). Additionally, there's a focus on Calculation groups and field parameters. We'll also extensively cover techniques to make your reports more dynamic and comprehensible (new) and learn to set up data flows. The course provides a combination of hands-on demonstrations and exercises where you'll work with Power BI yourself. Personal guidance is a key factor throughout.

After completing this course, you will have the following knowledge:

  • Data modeling
  • Power Query and DAX functions
  • Transformation techniques
  • Visualization and branding design
  • User management and access control
  • Calculation groups, field parameters (new)
  • Techniques to make your reports more dynamic and comprehensible (new)
  • Setting up data flows (learning) - setting up service environment (new)

Important information:

Our course is conducted in Dutch. To get started quickly, it's useful to bring a laptop with Power BI Desktop pre-installed. Download Power BI Desktop here.

📅 2 days
⌚️ 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
📍 Rientjesoven 32, 7622 GM Borne
💶 € 990,- per person (Including lunch)

The Advanced Power BI course is rated on average with an 8.4 by participants.
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Do you want to become a Power BI expert? Sign up now for our Advanced Power BI course!



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