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TimeXtender Demo

On-demand & for free

Are you in need of an optimised and effective approach to all your data? Are you looking for an innovative solution to streamline your data management? Then meet TimeXtender, the leading software for data management.

With Victa's on-demand demos, you have the opportunity to experience firsthand how TimeXtender can take your organisation to the next level. We'll show you how this software enables you to easily and quickly collect, process, and analyse data. Whether you're working with internal business data or external sources, TimeXtender ensures seamless integration and optimal control over all your information.


In this first video, Sascha Olde Klieverik, TimeXtender specialist at Victa, introduces you to TimeXtender. Using an animated architecture diagram, he guides you through the workings of the tool and explores its capabilities.


TimeXtender demo

Watch here, on-demand, all eight videos from the TimeXtender demo series. We show you how easy it is to connect to different data sources and merge them into one well-organised whole. We also show the power of the intelligent data modelling tools, which ensure that you can generate relevant information quickly and accurately.

Group 19

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