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More smart insights

Data Science

Data science is the discipline that deals with extracting insights and knowledge from data. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to enable valuable decision-making.

Advanced solutions

The amount of data is growing exponentially. To gain more smart insights from it, Victa offers advanced solutions in the field of data science. This enables organizations to convert information into insight and then create impact. With our extensive range of leading technologies, including Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, Qlik Auto ML, Python and Tangent, we enable companies to leverage their data for intelligent decision-making and innovation.

Our Data Science services

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning: Use cloud-based machine learning services to unlock the potential of your data. Build, train, and deploy models faster than ever before with the scalability and efficiency of Azure's infrastructure.

Qlik Car ML

Make advanced machine learning accessible to your entire organization. With Qlik Auto ML enables business users to generate and deploy predictive models without extensive technical knowledge.


The key to modern data science. Our expertise in Python enables us to develop tailor-made solutions in data analytics, machine learning and AI that perfectly match your specific needs.


A breakthrough tool for automating data analysis and model development. Tangent optimizes your data science workflows so your team can focus on what matters most – generating insights and value.

Right tool and expertise

Whether you are just starting out with data science or want to expand your existing capabilities. The right tool and expertise makes all the difference. Within Victa we offer a wide range of possibilities and our experts are ready to support you with:

  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services and solutions to meet your specific needs and goals.
  • Usability: We make advanced data science accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Future-oriented innovation: We keep an eye on the latest technological developments, so that your organization is always at the forefront.
  • Support & Training: From technical support to user training, we ensure you get the most out of our products.

Start your Data Science journey today

Are you ready to leverage the power of your data? Contact Victa for a consultation or demo of our products. Discover how we can transform your organization with the power of data science.

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