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Alteryx Connect empowers analysts to discover and analyze all critical information within their organization. It marks the beginning of an engaging analytical journey where the power of data collections merges with human insight. This enables analysts to quickly and effortlessly locate, manage, comprehend, and collaborate on information within their organization.

Alteryx Connect

Analysts often spend more time searching for relevant information than actually conducting analyses. Within an organization, colleagues may have already performed similar analyses or gathered the same data, but there lacks an effective way to find this information when needed. With Alteryx Connect, analysts can quickly and effortlessly discover, manage, and utilize all relevant information within their organization. This enables them to accelerate the analytical process, improving productivity and facilitating better business decisions for everyone within the organization.

Finding information

Improved data leads to improved decisions. Alteryx Connect serves as the navigator through all information assets within your organization, which, if utilized smartly, enhances your competitive advantage. It accelerates the entire analytical process, enabling analysts to increase productivity and significantly improve the flow of information. This results in superior business decision-making for everyone.

Reduce your time spent searching for data and allocate more time to actual work.

Furhermore, using Alteryx Connect offers additional beneftis, including:

  • Access all relevant data
Alteryx Connect makes it effortless to quickly load various data sources (local, databases, data warehouses, social media apps, cloud data, and Big Data platforms).
  • Leverage your team's collective knowledge
Explore the nature and origin of your data, understand its usage, and its users within your organization.

Improve your business outcomes

Activate the end-to-end analytics process. The Alteryx platform is the only place where data preparation and advanced analytics converge, saving you time and allowing you to dive straight into the real work.

  • Explore every aspect of the analytics process.
    Utilize the search functionality to discover and reuse information in analytical apps, workflows, macros, visualizations, dashboards, data science models, and more.
  • Gather insights from Alteryx workflows

Utilize existing analytical workflows to gain detailed insights into how data is utilized and deployed.

  • Address challenges

Harness Alteryx Connect as the starting point for an analytical journey that is social, engaging, powerful, and enjoyable!

  • Harnass the power of Alteryx Server

Leverage Alteryx Connect as an add-on to Alteryx Server and maximize your competitive advantage.

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