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Transform your analytics experience with Alteryx Location & Business Insight datasets. Optimise your analytics journey with readily available data from leading vendors. Quickly and effortlessly discover insights about locations, consumers and businesses and tackle key issues quickly. Collaborations with leading data partners enable advanced analytics, including identifying new retail locations for businesses.

Location Insights

Location extends beyond latitude and longitude on a map. It is a key factor influencing decisions such as choosing new locations, understanding service ranges, optimising marketing campaigns, reducing risk in claims and much more. With Alteryx Location Insights, you can enhance your analytics with maps, address solutions, turnaround functionality and a deeper understanding of your customers and locations. All without requiring specialised expertise.

Business Insights

Knowing the basic demographics of your customers is important, but the most successful organisations go further and understand their customers on a personal level, allowing them to target them accurately and make the most of their marketing budgets.

Demografic data

Alteryx Business Insights goes beyond standard demographic data with information on behaviour and purchases to create the in-depth vision you need for your successful marketing strategies. Understand actual and projected lifestyle, behaviour, attitudes, buying preferences, media interaction and much more!

In addition, location & business insights has other benefits. Namely:

  • Investigate and explore:
    Discover new customers or variables for a complete picture.
  • Familiar and comprehensive:
    Access information from more than 235 million consumers, 113 million households and 125 million business records through Experian and Dun & Bradstreet.
  • Location insights included:
    Not only can you dive deep into your customers, but you can also get information to find out where they are.

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