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Time-Baking success: Bolletje's search with TimeXtender

Case study

Client: Bolletje
Industry: Food
Challenge: Setting up a streamlined data infrastructure

Bolletje, an icon in Dutch households. Originating as a bakery specializing in beschuit, now known for a wide range of products: knäckebröd, breakfast crackers, ontbijtkoek, breakfast cereals, pepsels, schuddebuikjes, roggebrood, cookies, and kruidnoten. The company has deep roots in Twentse Almelo, serving its customers from there.

Efficiency through data-driven insights

For companies like Bolletje, automation and gaining insight from data are crucial. Analytical capabilities aid in optimizing production and distribution, reducing costs and improving quality. Additionally, data analysis provides insights into customer preferences and market trends, leading to better anticipation of demand and innovative product development. Clemens Hoek, ERP business consultant, emphasizes: "Data analysis enables us to act strategically, stay ahead, and foster growth in a dynamic market. The importance of business intelligence within our team is paramount."

Transformations and Business Intelligence

Just like many other businesses, Bolletje realized their IT structure, mainly composed of outdated and customized systems, needed a transformation for increased flexibility. In 2017, the company migrated to the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX to streamline, automate, and optimize processes. This shift brought significant changes to their BI landscape. Clemens Hoek explains: 'In essence, our entire reporting system had to be revamped; we had to start from scratch. Attempts to compensate with a standard reporting tool failed due to inadequate information provision and weak visualizations, necessitating specific solutions for Bolletje.'"


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Bolletje case study
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